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Omat vastaukseni ei yllättäneet. Tein itseasiassa testin kahteenkin kertaan, kun se näytti tarjoavan eri kuvia molemmilla kerroilla. Lopputulos oli silti prikulleen sama - 67% Vintage Modern, 33% Contemporary.
Mitä näistä sitten kerrotaan?
Vintage Modern
Flea Market anyone? You know you are drawn to modern furniture and interiors, and yet you really don't like a space that feels cold and sterile. And who could blame you? And that's why Vintage Modern is so appealing to you. Though the backdrop of the room, the walls and windows, are many times white or monochromatic, the furniture and accessories have the color, shape and texture to bring the warmth into the space. The great thing about Vintage Modern is ease of mixing different styles in the one space. You can have a new modular sofa mixed with a great pair of chairs that your grandmother purchased in the late 1950's and the new and old work appear as though they were destined for each other. What's great is that even if you don't have time for swap meets and garage sales, so many of the pieces from the mid-century were so great that they have been remade and mimicked year after year.
The other great thing about Vintage Modern is how low maintenance it can be — fabrics such as cotton, microfiber or ultra-suede and leather all look great and function even better. So whether you are having a cocktail party with friends, or kids are in the picture, the room and the furnishings can handle it. Because the style harkens back to the early twentieth century, the innovative developed during that time are very popular: acrylic, plastic and fiberglass, chrome and steel, and molded plywood. Concrete floors, countertops and furniture are also very popular and lacquered finishes are very common.
When it comes to color, walls are seen as backdrops for the room. Neutral tones of gray, white, beige and brown are very common and black is a common accent color. Pops of color on the art, furniture and accessories can vary dramatically based on the person, however very common colors are teal blues, army greens and yellow as well as deep oranges and bright reds.
So fresh and so clean! Antiques? No thanks! Vintage collections and clutter of any type? Not for you! You like your space new and sleek. Each piece is chosen carefully as if it was a piece of art, and your love of minimalism is expressed throughout each room. Furniture has clean lines and geometric shapes are preferred. You're not afraid of color; in fact bold color options only highlight the minimal items you choose for your home. But, the key is clean! To master the minimalist interior you not only have to be selective in the few furniture items you bring into the space, but you must also find a way to hide all of the real life items as well.
With contemporary design the material of the object is nearly as important as the object itself. Manmade materials such as acrylic, steel and plastic are often found in your spaces and chrome and glass can also fill prominent roles. Wood is also used, though the nature of the wood is rarely highlighted. Stains tend to be either very dark or very light so that the grains of the wood are minimized and only the color remains.
Colors range dramatically from subtle neutrals to bright colors, though the one consistent element is the lack of clashing patterns and busy color palates. Bright colors are used sparingly and intended to create drama and highlight a wall or piece of furniture. Many times the entire space will be neutral in palate and it is only the art and accessories that bring in color and drama. In this sense the space literally acts as an art gallery intended to highlight only the items of utmost importance.
Space planning
Kuvat lainattu testin yhteydestä.
Toi eka kuva näyttää niin sun tyyliltä - mitä nyt menneinä viikkoin olen oppinut tuntemaan sua. :)
VastaaPoistaPitääpä mennä tuo testi tekemään, mutta nuo kuvat on niin meidän tyylisiä, ettei paljon enempää voi olla :) kaunista.
VastaaPoistaIhan sinunnäköisesi tulos :) Minulla oli sama, vaikka taisin tykätä ehkä kahdesta testin kuvasta :D
VastaaPoistaKiitos kaikille! Kyllä tuo omaan makuun osui ihan nappiin. :D Ja ylempi kuvista on tosiaan kuin suoraan omista unelmista...
VastaaPoistaAlempi kuva on myös kovasti mieleeni, tykkäisin tyylistä, mutta tuskin osaisin tuollaisessa ympäristössä asua. :)